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IPL Fever.....

Thursday 1 April 2010 , Posted by Raaj at 04:18

Hey Guys..its really a long time since we met on our dear madhuri blog..we were doing some changes to the blog appearance n all. Finally we made it to some extent that you should really appreciate it.

IPL..IPL..everywhere the same fever..wether it is DC,RCB, MI, KKR or CSK...why only these five...because these are the only five teams which are been liked by our batch. Everyday whenever their beloved team plays a match..their are praying god win their team. For me, Vinay, Naresh and entire 1303 its DC, for Baha it is KKR, for Vineeth its RCB (fight is always there btw me and Vineeth..who told me that he would be calling me everytime whenever RCB wins..but he never called me since two weeks..thts different) for Chakri and Uday its MI, for Venky and Sasi its CSK

But My wish..the final should be btw DC n MI (I dont want be DC vs RCB as I dont want RCB loosing in the final again..hahahha) and DC wins the cup again..n they remain the IPL champs for one more year...

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